Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines may be returned without review.
The International Journal of Stress Management (IJSM) publishes two categories of articles submitted by authors. Regular articles encompass significant original research or theoretical advancements addressing specific issues. In contrast, brief reports, while similar to regular articles, have a more restricted scope to comply with page limitations. These brief reports often include replications or extensions of established phenomena within new or under-represented cultural contexts. The journal maintains identical review criteria for both regular articles and brief reports.
Manuscripts submitted as regular articles should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages, while brief reports are limited to 15 double-spaced pages. These page limits include all components of the manuscript, such as front matter, references, tables, and figures, formatted in 12-point font.
If authors submit manuscripts exceeding these page restrictions, they must provide a justification for the extended length in the cover letter, such as the necessity of reporting multiple studies.
All manuscripts must encompass the following components on distinct pages:
- A title page enumerating the authors’ names and affiliations at the time of the research.
- Author footnotes, which should incorporate acknowledgments of support, any changes in affiliation since the completion of the research, and the contact details of the corresponding author.
- An abstract not exceeding 250 words, accompanied by up to five keywords or succinct phrases to facilitate indexing.
Number all pages consecutively, including the title page, text, references, acknowledgments, tables, and figure captions.
In the cover letter, provide assurances that the manuscript is not concurrently under review by another journal and that the primary data have neither been previously published nor accepted for publication elsewhere.
There is no set restriction on the number of authors for a manuscript. Authors are encouraged to thoroughly review and finalize the order of authorship before submitting their manuscript. The roles of the first and last authors are significant, and if two or more authors have made equal contributions, this should be explicitly mentioned. Individuals who are not listed as authors but have assisted with proofreading or evaluation should be acknowledged in the “acknowledgements” section. Any changes, additions, removals, or reordering of authors in the authorship list can only be made prior to the manuscript’s acceptance, and such changes require the approval of the journal’s Editor.