1. Integrating Climate Technologies and Business Models for a Net-Zero Economy.
Rob Gillies, Jarl Benzon
Department of Economics, University of South Wales, United Kingdom.
DOI: www.doi.org/09.6084/m9.figshare.14566717.v1
2. Longitudinal Effects of Quantitative Job Demands (QJD) on Presenteeism and Absenteeism: The Role of QuanJI and QualJI as Moderators.
Idris, Idasuzana; Idris, Mohd Awang; Syed-Yahya, Sharifah N. N.; Zadow, Amy
DOI: www.doi.org/09.6084/m9.figshare.24266217.v1
3. Consequences of Delayed Disclosure for Vhavenda Children Subjected to Sexual Abuse.
Vincent Roxburgh
Department of Early Childhood Education, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
DOI: www.doi.org/09.6084/m9.figshare.34366713.v1
4. Vicarious or Direct? Testing Experiences of Interpersonal Deviance and Employees Defensive Strategies at Work.
Arshad, Mamoona; Malik, Muhammad Abdur Rahman
DOI: www.doi.org/09.6084/m9.figshare.14464417.v1
5. Predictors of Resilience of University Students to Educational Stressors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study in Germany.
Reichel, Jennifer L.; Dietz, Pavel; Mülder, Lina M.; Werner, Antonia M.; Heller, Sebastian; Schäfer, Markus; Letzel, Stephan; Rigotti, Thomas
DOI: www.doi.org/09.6084/m9.figshare.54556715.v1
6. Do Work Stressors Relate to Social Support Provision? An Actor–Partner Interdependence Model Among Dual-Earner Couples.
Chariatte C., Meier L.L., Cho E.
7. Resilience During Disruption: A Cross-National Examination of the Work-Family Interface.
Billing T.K., Baral R., Beutell N.J.